Palliative care consultations

Palliative care consultations

Cancer is a potentially serious disease and the symptoms it can cause sometimes require specific controls.

Specialist care is needed to treat these symptoms as each patient's palliative treatment regimen and strategy should be personalised so as to control any symptoms that appear as soon as possible.

Our team consists of palliative care and cancer pain relief specialists, who know the best treatments to control your symptoms.

Cancer pain relief is one of our priorities. There are currently a wide range of pain-relief drugs. These drugs are available in various formats and there are many routes of administration.

Cancer pain relief is one of our priorities. There are currently a wide range of pain-relief drugs.

Our palliative care specialists will adapt the pain-relief drugs to your particular condition and modify your prescription as needed to ensure your symptoms are under control.

Do not hesitate to tell your consultant about any symptom that is bothering you or that has not been controlled until then. It has recently been proven that good symptom control does not only positively affect cancer patients' quality of life, it can also substantially improve survival.

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Day Hospital Quirónsalud Valencia

Av. Blasco Ibañez, 14 46010 Valencia

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:00am - 22:00pm

Teléfono de contacto
96 339 04 00 - 24h


Av. Blasco Ibañez, 14 46010 Valencia

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 2.00 pm - 9.00 pm

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