Precision Oncology

Cancer as a Genetic Disease

Cancer is a genetic disease, that is, it is caused by changes in the DNA that control the way cells work, particularly how they grow and multiply. These changes can be inherited, but most arise randomly during a person's lifetime, either as a result of errors that take place during cell division or with exposure to external carcinogens that damage DNA.

What is Precision Oncology and What is it Used For?

Precision Oncology is the search for genetic alterations in tumours that are predictive of their response to a treatment, whether approved or in the experimental phase. Each person's cancer features a unique combination of mutations. Knowledge of these mutations can help establish an individualised treatment plan by selecting therapies associated with a higher likelihood of response.

In association with QuirónSalud Valencia, at Initia Oncología we offer our patients the possibility of benefiting from Precision Oncology through several genomic platforms adapted to the needs of each particular case. Personalised Oncology goes beyond just performing a genetic test on the tumour. Precision Oncology makes more sense and is more efficient when it is integrated into the therapeutic and progressive context of each individual case. Thus, the aim of this process is to provide a personalised therapeutic recommendation with the highest likelihood of success considering the patient's oncological history and other factors.

combinación única de cambios genéticos

How can I Qualify for Precision Oncology?

You may contact us if you have been diagnosed with stage IV metastatic cancer. The first consultation to evaluate the case or examine the patient is free of charge. At INITIA ONCOLOGÍA we will assess your case in a multidisciplinary committee to determine if you will benefit from a genomic test and from which one. You may contact us or your treating physician to obtain more information about this, and the consultation can be done either in person or remotely. You will be asked to provide a full report of your cancer history, including copies of any radiological and pathology reports that you have available. If a genomic test is indicated, you will be asked to provide a biopsy sample or have a biopsy performed of the metastatic disease, or, failing this, to have a blood sample collected. The samples are analysed in the laboratory and the results are obtained within 1-2 weeks.
See a list of the available tests here.

What Results Does it Offer?

The results of the genomic test will be evaluated in the multidisciplinary committee, and you will receive a report with the genomic alterations detected in your tumour as well as the most appropriate targeted therapies or clinical trials based on the scientific evidence available and your particular clinical condition. Tumour sequencing can provide access to different types of treatment options:

  • Standard treatment options

  • Targeted therapy options

  • Immunotherapy options

  • Clinical trial options

  • Off-label or compassionate use therapy options

Comite de oncología de precisión

What Kind of Personalised Oncology Tests do you Offer?

We offer several types of oncology tests performed both on tissue and blood samples and adapted to the situation of each particular patient and type of tumour.

Pancreatic cancer in young patients may be caused by alterations in the NRG1 gene. At Initia Oncología we currently offer a new treatment against this gene. Contact us to find out if your case can be treated with this new drug (MCLA 128).

Additional information:
Tel. no. +34 674 42 16 19
Monday through Thursday from 15:00 to 20:00 and Friday from 9:00 to 15:00

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Day Hospital Quirónsalud Valencia

Av. Blasco Ibañez, 14 46010 Valencia

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:00am - 22:00pm



Av. Blasco Ibañez, 14 46010 Valencia

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 2.00 pm - 9.00 pm

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