The psycho-social aspects related to cancer are just as important as its physical factors. We understand that each patient experiences cancer and its associated complications differently, depending on their socio-economic situation and their emotional characteristics.
The psycho-oncology unit considers cancer-related aspects that are not usually covered in the oncology and palliative care consultations. Aesthetic damage, emotional loss, reactions to functional deficits, patrimonial losses or internal conflicts caused directly or indirectly by cancer can seriously condition how the disease evolves. Sometimes the patient does not feel capable of facing cancer, their prognosis and all the consequences that it could have on their future or the toxic affects of the cancer treatment.
Our oncological psychologists will be your emotional support and help you face the conflicts associated with being diagnosed with and treating cancer. Do not hesitate to request their services if you feel you need them.
Doctora en Psicología, Psicóloga Clínica especializada en la atención psicológica a pacientes oncológicos y sus familiares. Con más de 25 años de experiencia, contribuyó al desarrollo de la Psicooncología en Valencia organizando y coordinando diversos programas de atención psicológica en diversos hospitales de la ciudad.
Actualmente es Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Personalidad Evaluación y
Tratamientos Psicológicos de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Valencia,
Psicooncóloga en Hospital Quirón Valencia miembro del Comité de Bioética del Departamento Clínico-Malvarrosa así como de diferentes sociedades científicas: Sociedad Española de Oncología, Sociedades Española de Senología y Patología Mamaria, Sociedad Española de Psicooncología y American Psychological Association. Actualmente es referente en la sociedad ASACO del Programa Bienestar atendiendo a mujeres afectadas de cánceres ginecológicos de forma subvencionada.
Medical team
First-class medical professionals who specialise in different types of cancer (breast cancer, digestive cancer, etc.).
Our multidisciplinary team is made up of medical professionals with different specialities, including oncologists, surgeons, radiotherapists, pathologists, radiologists, etc.